
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2023


 Worms are known as animals without any essential function in our world, but is it real at all? For example, one of those functions they have is to prepare the dirt for multiple things. If your grandparents or parents have a field where they grow potatoes, tomatoes, oranges..., as you could see, some of them may use worms to prepare the field.


  It is so nice that we can travel around Europe thanks to our school, and also to Erasmus +. Travelling to other countries and meeting new people who you can talk to in English or in another language is amazing. We improve our English level and we do it meeting new people and sharing time with them. One of the main aims is to share our knowledge, routines and the way we work in Spain and in our school. We do it using technology, with our teachers Gustavo and José Luis. We show them how we work with a robot made by us at first, and the applications it has nowadays.


 Working to earn money is the most popular thing people do during all their lives. But, what about another ways to earn the same or much more money without working the same time? Dropchipping and cryptocoins aren't a popular way to earn money, but why? People who need people to work for them don't talk about cryptos or dropchipping, but actually, if you have knowledge, patience and money, and also luck, you could earn money without working and staying at your home. In my case, I prefer to study, and have a job I want. Because if I have a degree for example in History, that degree would be there for my entire career, but money isn't going to stay there for much time.


Time travels, one of the most known misteries of the science, and one of the dreams of all of us. Thanks to Albert Einstein's relativity theory, we know that space-time is a singular thing, or two different things, but it works at once. In one of Einstein's experiments, he demostrated the faster you move in the space, the slower you move in the time, making you travel in time without a machine or a special object. For example, if you move through space at light's speed during 1 year, Earth would be like 300 years older.


 It is incredible to learn that we may be alone in the entire universe. But in my opinion, it isn't true, the universe is more than 13,500 billion years old, and it is getting bigger right now. The universe has got bigger since its birth, appearing new planets, galaxies and stars. Knowing these facts, I am sure that we can't be alone, but I reckon we won't meet another form of life.


  Nowadays teenagers have become conscious that selectivity isn't hard at all. And, I think they are correct, but of course it isn't equal for all the people. If you want to take the subject you want to study, you must get a very good mark in tour selectivity exams, and also in 1st and 2nd of Bachilerato! And, if you want to do it, you must study a lot.


 Worms are known as animals without any essential function in our world, but is it real at all? For example, one of those functions they have is to prepare the dirt for multiple things. If your grandparents or parents have a field where they sow potatoes, tomatoes, oranges..., as you could see, some of them may use worms to prepare the field.


 It is so nice that we can travel around Europe thanks to our school, and also to Erasmus +. Travelling to another countries and meeting new people who you can talk to in English or in another language is amazing. We improve our English level and we do it meeting new people and sharing time with them. One of the main aims is to share our knowledge, routines and the way we work in Spain and in our school. We do it using technology, with our teachers Gustavo and José Luis. We show them how we work with a robot made by us at first, and the applications it has nowadays.